SustainRCA show and award 2013
Edicola - News

Tra gli appuntamenti dell London Design Festival il SustainRCA Show and Awards: in mostra, dal 20 settembre al 4 ottobre, soluzioni ed idee innovative e sostenibili, risultato di due anni di lavoro di alcuni studenti del Royal College of Art.





With the support of SustainRCA, many of our previous winners such as culinary insects specialist Ento, mobile coffee trike Velopresso or Dan Watson’s fishing safety net are becoming widely known.


This year’s selection, including 3D printed electronic demining kit, an energy production system based on open defecation and an underground house concept, is no less exciting. We will announce the winners of four categories – Moving Minds, Solutions for Society, Inspired Products and Visionary Process – during the London Design Festival.



The SustainRCA Show and Awards 2013

20th September – 4th October 2013

10am–6pm daily

Royal College of Art

Kensington Gore

London SW7 2EU
